Дни на кариерата: ИТ, комуникации и аутсорсинг – Виртуален ден – изложители (част 3)

Дни на кариерата: ИТ, комуникации и аутсорсинг – Виртуален ден – изложители (част 3)

Ела на Дни на кариерата: ИТ, комуникации и аутсорсинг!

Професионалните възможности и стажантски позиции в трите сектора ще те очакват онлайн на 13 октомври 2022 г. на платформата на Brazen Technologies!

Запознай се с част от фирмите изложители, които ще те очакват за живи срещи.

Eла на събитието от 11:00 до 17:00ч. и се запознай на живо с представители на желаната от теб компания!

Регистрирай се и участвай безплатно: ТУК.

TELUS International Bulgaria

С екип от над 3500 души в София и Пловдив, TELUS International Europe е най-големият работодател в Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) сектора в България.  

Компанията предлага на служителите си, разположени в три офиса в София и Пловдив, едни от най-модерните и комфортни работни пространства у нас, както и над 40 допълнителни социални придобивки като фитнес, йога, психолог, масажи в офисите и други. Това са само част от нещата, които ни правят „компанията на щастливите хора“.

Може да видите актуалните ни отворени позиции на www.telusbg.com 

ABA – Work in Austria


ABA – Work in Austria is one of the departments of the Austrian Business Agency (ABA), which is owned by the Republic of Austria and directly reports to the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs.

It promotes Austria as a work location for specialized employees and as Austria’s competence centre for recruiting international specialists. ABA – Work in Austria also supports Austrian companies in their search for specialized employees from abroad.


  • We have established an Austrian-wide online job platform for specialized employees from other countries 
  • We organize and take part in events in the target markets.
  • We cooperate and network with international universities. 

In which sectors are the best job opportunies in Austria?

The best career opportunites exist in emerging sectors like

  • information and communications technology, 
  • electronics and electrical engineering and 
  • life science.



Soitron is a Slovak company, established in 1991, with headquarters in Bratislava and offices in the UK, Turkey, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, and Bulgaria.

The company operates in the area of IT infrastructure management and IT outsourcing as is one of the largest info-communication integrators and IT service providers with more than 850 employees and a consolidated annual turnover of more than 134 million EUR. 

In Bulgaria, Soitron has been operating since May 2013. The focus of the company’s business in Sofia is outsourcing and the managed services model in providing outsourcing. Currently, the company has already over 220 employees experienced in Project Management and PMO, Transition & Transformation Management, Process Engineering, Pre-sales and Sales activities, Back-office support.

Soitron offers an opportunity for a unique experience in the IT/BPO field and the possibility to grow professionally in an international environment.



Kaufland България е лидер в сектора на търговията с годишен оборот от близо 1,7 млрд. лв. и един от най-големите работодатели в страната с екип от над 6 600 служители. През 2022 г. компанията разполага с 63 хипермаркета в 35 града. От старта си през 2006 г. в България до днес Kaufland се стреми да стимулира националната и регионална икономика и инфраструктурата по места с общи инвестиции от 1,6 млрд. лв. Компанията непрекъснато развива своята политика за устойчиво развитие и под мотото „Действията носят промяната“ се ангажира с различни социални и екологични дейности – от използването на енергийно ефективни технологии и проектирането на нови сгради с мисъл за природата, през подкрепата на уязвими групи до намаляването на пластмасата.

Тук всеки ден работим над това как да ставаме все по-добри. Признание за това е сертифицирането ни като Top Employer за четири поредни години, от независимата международна организация Top Employers Institute. Той ни нарежда сред водещите компании в Европа, които прилагат високи стандарти в управлението на човешките ресурси, условията на труд и развитието на служителите си.

При нас можеш да откриеш нови предизвикателства и реализация в разнообразни професионални области – финанси и администрация, търговия и маркетинг, строителство и недвижимости, продажби, PR и човешки ресурси.


Imperial Brands

Who are we?

We are Imperial Brands. An inclusive, innovative truly global FMCG business in 120 markets supported by over 26,000 employees, generating £30bn revenue. We’re putting consumers at the centre of what we do, evolving to expectations of tobacco & making a meaningful contribution to harm reduction through next generation products and environment, social and governance strategies.

At Imperial Brands, diversity and inclusion isn’t just something we talk about. By making it a key part of our culture and embedding it into the fabric of our business, we’re increasing awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion across every area of our business.

We place a high value on learning and development, offering a range of award-winning opportunities, after all – our people drive our business forward. And if that’s not enough, we’ve also been recognised as a Top Employer for five years in a row! 

Our vision for Global IT at Imperial

Global IT at Imperial is bringing new investment, transformation, modernisation and strategic initiatives to achieve our business goals. To support our people, and propel our collaborative, consumer-centric, data-driven approach. Initiatives such as GE MES ‘lite’ supporting our global supply chain, best in class CRM supporting our SalesForce, robust and well-supported applications such as C-FIN and S4Hanna. To empower diverse global teams and ways of working and drive collective strategic and business success.

We’re driving real change. From the talent we bring in and our ways of working, to our award-winning development programmes & building an inclusive, innovative environment that enables everyone to be their best selves at work. We challenge the status quo to build our collective future.

We’ve got lots of exciting opportunities to join our Global IT team based in our Sofia office.


Established in 2010, ThinkMarkets is a premium multi-asset online brokerage with headquarters in London and Melbourne and hubs in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Europe and South America.

We provide quick and easy access to a wide range of markets including forex, CFDs on equities, cryptocurrencies, commodities, indices, futures and more. We deliver some of the most recognized trading solutions – the industry standard MetaTrader 4, the next-generation MetaTrader 5 and our inhouse developed platform ThinkTrader, awarded for Best Mobile Platform by the forex community.

We use the latest technology to provide the best pricing and execution speed, delivering superior service to traders throughout their trading journey. We maintain some of the most competitive trading conditions in the market including tight spreads, low to zero commissions and variety of account types, tailored as per clients’ preferences and needs.

The company is recognized by some of the most trusted financial regulatory bodies – the FCA, FSCA and ASIC.


Sutherland Global

Съдърланд е компания за дигитална трансформация, ръководена от своя дългогодишен опит.

Повече от 35 години се грижим за клиентите на нашите клиенти, като предоставяме измерими резултати и ускоряваме растежа им. Нашите продукти и платформи, базирани на изкуствен интелект, са изградени с помощта на стабилна интелектуална собственост и автоматизация.

Ние сме екип от професионалисти на световно ниво, оперативно ефективни, културно свързани, отдадени на нашите клиенти и един към друг.

Наричаме го One Sutherland.

През 2008 година в София отваря врати многоезиков офис за обслужване на клиенти. Оттогава до днес в България Съдърланд достига 2,200 служители в 4 различни офиса в София, Бургас и във Варна или в режим работа от вкъщи. Екипът от професионалисти предлага техническо обслужване и обслужване на клиенти на повече от 17 европейски езика.



Pariplay® is the No. 1 aggregator and content provider behind innovative products including the Fusion® aggregation platform and the Ignite® Studio development program. Pariplay’s Fusion® aggregation platform focuses on enhancing player value by providing a suite of back-office conversion and retention tools for operators, plus access to thousands of games from the industry’s leading game developers.

Founded in 2010, and now part of NeoGames S.A. (Nasdaq: NGMS) Pariplay® has offices in Malta, Israel, Bulgaria, Gibraltar, USA and India and is licensed and regulated by the Gibraltar Gambling Commission, the MGA, the UKGC, the Romanian National Gambling Office, the New Jersey DGE, the West Virginia Lottery, Michigan’s MGBC, Ontario’s AGCO, the Atlantic Lottery Corporation and Alberta’s AGLC.

Through our simple and easy integration, our partners have access to hundreds of the best products and the top names in the industry – with no additional effort on their side. Our platform connects to almost any system through a simple, clean API and gives your business our technologically advanced front end and world class backend – a complete platform you can depend on. Our tools and widgets allow you to get started efficiently and enable you to quickly become a leader in the online Gaming sector.

Our innovative and thrilling gaming products across mobile, desktop and social channels, together with our partnerships with the world’s top online gaming providers, enables us to help our clients create new markets and access fresh revenue streams.

As a B2B provider of RNG games, Pariplay® takes responsible gaming very seriously and has implemented policies and tools within its systems to provide industry-leading entertainment in a socially responsible manner.


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