Виртуални дни на кариерата 2022 – участници – Ingram Micro

Виртуални дни на кариерата 2022 – участници – Ingram Micro

Кариера на клик разстояние на Виртуални дни на кариерата.

На 31 май 2022 г. от 11 до 17 ч. ще се проведе кариерният форум „Виртуални дни на кариерата“.

Участвай безплатно! Необходимо ти е само устройство с интернет връзка и личен профил. 
Регистрирай се за участие:  https://app.brazenconnect.com/a/jobtiger/e/Q8NDg
Нови компании се включват всеки ден, виж кои фирми се представят и с кого може да се свържеш: www.virtual.careerdays.bg/bg/participants
В разнообразието от виртуални събития избери най-доброто!

Ingram Micro

With over 40 years of experience in technology solutions, supply chain, and managed services, Ingram Micro is now a global leader in the IT industry as one of the largest providers of a full range of technologies, electronic devices, and shared services worldwide. 

The desire to bring change and transform the future with the promise of technology has led us to develop at a rapid pace. All this is possible because of our exceptional, creative, innovative, flexible, bright, adaptable, and team-oriented people and their unique contribution. We have more than 30,000 associates, located globally in 50 modern offices on 6 continents.

In 2012 our EMEA Global Business Center was established in Sofia, Bulgaria. Here our team of ambitious talents continues to grow and now consists of over 1100 creative people, delivering outstanding value for our vendor and customer partners. 

In Ingram Micro we strongly believe in equality! As an Equal Opportunity Employer we follow the idea that everyone deserves the chance to make its own unique contribution. We are dedicated to fostering the strength that this diversity brings to our workforce. 

One of our core beliefs is to provide equal opportunities for career growth and personal development to everyone, by recruiting, hiring, educating, and promoting associates of all job classifications, regardless of their age, sex, race, religion or any other protected criteria.

It’s only your personality, dedication, and desire to improve that matters to us!

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