Запознай се с FFW – участник в Дни на кариерата: ИТ, Комуникации и Аутсорсинг 2021

Запознай се с FFW – участник в Дни на кариерата: ИТ, Комуникации и Аутсорсинг 2021

1.  What is your company proud of?
Our outstanding team and the amazing clients we work with!
2.    What are the main motivating factors for your employees?
The team spirit and the limitless opportunities we have.
3.    What is the main quality of your employees?
One for all and all for one – team effort! Our teammates are always open to new technologies and have an innovative approach.
4.    What is your favorite office/home office tradition?
Gaming nights, Sports nights, and of course – FFW BBQ Brothers!
5.    What kind of specialists are the new teammates you will be looking for on Virtual IT Career Days 2021?
Motivated and eager to learn IT talents looking for new and attractive challenges
6.    What are the three most important questions you ask during an interview with a candidate?
Where do you see yourself in 3 years? Describe yourself with three words? Name one thing that you are proud of? Describe the last situation where you weren’t right?
7.    Give your advice – how do people who will come to your virtual booth get ready for the chat interview?
Be honest, be open and be yourself!

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