Работодателите на Дни на кариерата: ИТ, Комуникации и Аутсорсинг 2020 – Austrian Business Agency- Work in Austria

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Austrian Business Agency- Work in Austria ще участват във Виртуалния ден на „Дни на кариерата: ИТ, Комуникации и Аутсорсинг“ на 21 октомври. 

Може да научите повече за компанията в интервюто, което направихме с тях:

  1. What is the purpose of Austrian Business Agency- Work in Austria?

ABA – Work in Austria is a department of the state-owned Austrian Business Agency, which reports directly to the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs. It was established to be a bridge between Austrian companies on one side and qualified employees from abroad on other. We offer a platform for international professionals to easily find a job in Austria.

We also provide support and information for all the required steps to enter the Austrian labour market.

  1. What is your company proud of?

We are very proud of our online Job portal on www.workinaustria.com with more than 1000 opened position Austria wide.

On our website you can also find lots of tips on how to apply for a job in Austria and what documents are usually required.

  1. Please share TOP 5 best reasons to choose Austria as working and living destination.

– Best working conditions
– High salary level and special payments – namely 13th and 14th monthly salary
– Central location in the middle of Europe – you reach every European capital in less than 3 hours
– Excellent health system
– Excellent quality of life – Austria is one of the most liveable countries in the world

  1. What kind of specialists are you looking for on Virtual Career Days: IT, Communications and Outsourcing 2020?

Everybody is welcome to Austria. At the moment Austria is missing round 200 000 skilled workers especially in ICT, Electro, Metal industry and in emerging sectors like Life Science.

  1. What are the main qualities someone who is willing to work in Austria should have?

Having the motivation and the ability to learn and grow throughout your life is an essential quality in today’s fast-changing world and very important quality every employer is looking for. It is important that you keep learning throughout your career. Continuous learning takes curiosity about the world in which you live and a desire to improve your mind. The more you learn, the more you can contribute to the workplace and the more likely you’ll advance in your career.

  1. What are the three most important questions that should be asked from the job seekers during a chat interview at your virtual booth?

Due to the fact that we are not a Personnel service provider and we are not offering any specific positions, the visitors at our booth can ask whatever they want regarding studying, living and working in Austria. On our web site there is also a lot of information about legal issues as well as relocation services for someone who decides to move to Austria.

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